We want to start by saying we see you. We see all of those who have taken action from their computers, in their communities and on the streets. This week we are asking folks to continue to join us in the defense of Black life.
The time for action is now, people are taking to the streets, flooding social media, calling local officials and demanding justice for those who have been killed by the police all over the county and now is the time to join them.
As we mentioned, some actions carry more risk than others, and especially during a pandemic. We encourage you to take all safety precautions and to listen to best practices from your local public health officials. Each day for the week of action represents one of our demands. We offer some ideas for you, your family, and friends to take action in your community and resources to learn how. Given the public health crisis, each idea is segmented by level of risk. Green is low risk, Yellow is medium risk, and Red is high risk. We trust you will make the best decisions for yourself and your community.