At the dawn of a new presidential administration, Black America is in the grips of compounding crises; we’ve lost more people to COVID19 than anyone, dying at 1.5 times the rate of white people. We’ve been laid off more and hired less. Our businesses have shuttered disproportionately and where we once congregated to refill our cups, we now must find new ways to renew ourselves so that we may stay safe
While President Biden talks to Congress in his State of the Union Address this month, Black organizers will talk to our communities about what matters most: jobs, healthcare, climate, education, safety, and self-determination.
During #StateofBlackAmerica, we will hear from everyday people about what we need to recover from the maze of economic and social collapse we have suffered at the hands of a dangerous, anti-Black administration.

TUESDAY, February 23rd
3:00pm PT
3:04pm PT
3:19pm PT
3:26pm PT
3:47pm PT
4:04pm PT
4:21pm PT
4:38pm PT
4:58pm PT

February 23, 2021 6-8pm ET
An evening dedicated to stories about us and how we make our Vision for Black Lives a reality.
Stay tuned for more @mvmnt4blklives

As we press forward, we cannot consent to another pitch on the importance of unity at our peril. The Black experience in America is exceptional, in both its oppression and its glory, and so our dialogues, analyses, and policies demand an exceptional approach tailored for us.
In the last year, Black people have lost so much. Although the dual crises of COVID19 and state repression present real challenges for the many Black communities in America – rural, disabled, TGNCI, incarcerated, and the collective on the front lines fighting for power – we are bound together in our shared experiences.