Ways to Give

The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) is an ecosystem of 150+ organizations and individuals creating a shared vision and strategy to win rights, control and resources for Black people and all marginalized communities. Building on the legacy and strategies of past movements, M4BL has created a broad political home for Black organizers, activists, and their organizations. Our ecosystem is held together by our dedication to bravely driving toward collective liberation and a value system that fights for the most marginalized amongst us.

Our work spans movements within movements and transcends borders. With your gift, the breadth and scale of your impact will be felt across many communities. Please Give Today. 

Our tax identification number is EIN 88-4261393. 
Give Monthly

Our monthly supporters provide us with a dependable stream of resources that ensure our longevity and 

You may mail your contribution to INSERT ADDRESS

Please contact us at  development@m4bl.org to discuss funding opportunities that meet your family foundation’s philanthropic goals.

If you are interested in making a gift via wire, please email development@m4bl.org.

The Movement 4 Black Lives Inc (M4BL) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. All donations to M4BL are tax-deductible. Our tax identification number is EIN 88-4261393.