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Black migrants now account for 10% of the Black population and 7.2% of all non-citizens, and are disproportionately demonized and targeted for violence and exclusion at the border, criminalization, detention, and deportation. Among all migrants, Black migrants are nearly 3 times more likely to be detained and deported as a result of an alleged criminal offense. Migrants seeking to enter and living in the U.S. are subject to intensifying and violent militarized border enforcement, interior enforcement and raids, bans and bars to entry into the U.S.; the elimination of opportunities to claim asylum, as well as surveillance, policing, profiling, and criminalization; detention under inhuman conditions; family separation; and exclusions from access to programs to meet basic needs. At each of these points, migrants are experiencing physical and sexual violence, violation, degradation, torture and abuse, family separation, gross medical neglect, demonization, and are being forced return to dangerous or desperate conditions.